Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bitter..not so much

I use to be ever so bitter about Valentine's day. I use to entertain myself with these grand illusions of romance. I am sure almost everyone has had them, the ones where your biggest crush finally realizes you are alive and thus promptly kisses you. I blame these illusions on teenage hormones and sixteen candles. When none of these dreams of romance actually happened, I became bitter.

Luckly, these illusions did not cross by mind today. Really, I almost forgot it was Valentine's day until I saw the all flowers waiting for their rightful owners. Both my classes today were canceled though I got up and ready for both. It was quite lovely. I went to track practice and got my package from my parents (yes, my parents always send a Valentine's gift).

Then this afternoon, I was able to spend some time with one of my true loves, I had a lovely long run at Panther creek. There is nothing like a trail run to clear the head and lift the heart. I came back and showered up and spent the afternoon with friends.

It was a lovely day despite being Valentine's day.


Lexie said...

my dad sent me a package! i was so excited. jacob also gave me a public declaration of love as well on tigerspotting, so i was sooo happy all day long.

Judi said...

I was bitter - that's a good word for it.

Found you on BSNY. I am a runner too.