Friday, December 26, 2008

Running Resolutions

Last Saturday for 8.5 miles, I averaged 7:52 pace. I truly think that I might be faster then I think. I am going to work my ass off to try to qualify for Nationals. I have never thought it possible for me to and that might be part of the problem. I am fast and I need to acknowledge that.

5:05 is the qualifying time for the mile-76.4 seconds per 400 meter lap. I can do that.
2:17 is the 800 meter qualifying time-68.5 seconds per 400 meter lap. I will have to work on that.
Plus I am learning to pole-vault.


Lexie said...

pole vaulting!!! looks so fun.
you can definitely make it to nationals! you're talented and more importantly healthy and dedicated! i believe in you cara!

Judi said...

you ARE fast. go for it. merry xmas!