Wednesday, December 10, 2008


"We carry our homes within us which enables us to fly.." John Cage.

I am back in the boro. So far two As and I am waiting for the rest of the grades. I have a feeling that Spainish might have killed me this semester but I am still holding out for a high B. It is sad ever so slightly, that once I have hit college, I really could care less about GPA as long as it is a 3.0 or above. I just want to take classes that will challenge me or interest me and that I learn . Though really, I have never been overly concerned with G.P.A. Though I might freak out if I make a C in anything.

Class schedule next semester is a bit mad, 17 hours that include: Media Law and Ethics, Faith and Freedom, Honors Writing, Speed training, Judo, Newspaper Practicum, Track and Field, Spainish 202 and Writing for Online media. It seems like a bit much but I should be able to do it.

I am glad to be home but I am already missing college just a bit ( might be due to the bickering sisters).



Lexie said...

can we have a date?

Unknown said...

that's weird cara. real weirde.