Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Like leaves and Kings, all things must fall..

The wonderful fall leaves have left their branches and are now worm food-at least I think that is how decomposition works. It snowed yesterday, so I suppose winter is back. Which means indoor track season, I can not wait to be speedy.

I have a week left of school till I am back in the da boro. Which seems weird since I got back two day ago. Finals do not look like they are going to be too bad, only three in Spainish, Persusaion, and Video Production. I will have to study Spainish nonstop but I should be ok.

Christmas in 23 days!

Yes, I am listening to Christmas music!


B K Kenobi said...

is that part in the title about kings really necessary? i am deeply offended. ;P

Sarah said...

oh yes i did!!! :D