Sunday, July 27, 2008


I was planning on having some great video to post on this blog of my time in brevard but due to lack of internet and some camper jacking my video disc ( no idea what they were trying to accomplish) there is no video.

I love Brevard distance running camp and this year was just as great as last year. I arrived safely on Saturday and had a two hour long training for being on Junior Staff. Shelly my roomate from last year was back, and looking as fit as ever. She has graduated college and working as G.A. for Cumberland College. Her running was going well but did not improve on 2:11 pr in the 800m. Also, in traing I met Rachel who was also from TN ( Clarksville) and runs for a school in St. Louis that I can't spell and teased her constantly that it was made up. Other then that Saturday was pretty dull.

Sunday was a mass of chaos due to the number of camper (432). Having this large amount of campers caused some problems mainly due to the fact that about 120 did not have transporation. The usual schedule for a camper is morning activity at 6:30, then team building activies till the afternoon run at 3:00. They get a choice of runs. Well, since transporation was short we ended up having an early and late run leaving from the same place in the park. Junior Staff sometimes had to go on two runs which meant a bit more mileage. Our jobs on the trail is to point or lead runs and make sure no one dies or gets lost. Also with this amount of kids, there is always someone doing something stupid like kicking a freshman around in a traffice cone.

I guess the big event of the second week was one of the Junior staff got a little too intoxicated and ended gettig himself kicked out of camp. Needless to say the rest of us were scared to do anything the rest of the week.

Also, during the second week, I met this Coach from the Cottage School and this guy might be my new hero. The Cottage School is first of all a school for those with mental disablities and he has enough patience to help these kids and bring up to a running a camp. He is also an adventure racer. Which is like extreme orienteering. One is a team of 4 and you try to be the first to find all the points this often times involve climbing, mountain biking, swimming, rowing, and trail running.

The week flew by and I really enjoyed getting to know the campers. It was great to be able to share advice. At the end of the week, the campers left and the JC decided to go waterfalling. Now, the Junior Staff is all well a bit of risk takers. So we ended up bruised and battered coming back to camp but sliding down the rock was worth it.

In the third week, we had about 50 less kids and more transporation making everything a bit more chill..well besides having a new JC who thought she was God's gift to man. She( I will call her Texas) was very young and had not realized that she was no longer camper. She complained about everything too. Needless to say most of the JC avoided her. Being a more chill week it meant that we were able to interact with the campers more. It also meant that the Jc was able to have a bit more fun. We ended making smores and diving off dark cliff after putting the campers to bed.

The night before graduation run ( the whole camp runs a trail to the top of John's rock). The JC decided to camp out at the run. Everything was going great we untill we started hearing things fall besides us. Well, it up being the other JC egging us. A huge egg fight began and most of ended up with egg on us pointing up the trail the next morning.

Overall, camp was great and I wished my disc had not been jacked.



Faye said...

Don't worry, I wear a helmet 99% of time, even the 5 min to/from campus. At Critical Mass, I was sheltered by other bikers the entire time and we only went an average of 5 mph, so not much danger there.

Sounds like you had a great time. I still kind of regret not going to Brevard while in XC.

Lexie said...


ugh i loved that place so much! you are so lucky to be a camper!

Judi said...

You look great Cara! Glad you had fun!