Sunday, November 30, 2008

My problem with Twilight..

I went with my sisters to Twilight, you know the cheesy movie filled with teen angst about vampires. I will also admit that I have read the whole series. The story is just as filled with angst and cheesy lines as the movie but there is something in the plot that kept me reading. Whatever that was is gone with the movie but that is not my problem.

My problem is that Bella never completely freaks out about Edward being a vampire.

I know it is a fiction series but I expect for there to be some realistic emotions. I do not believe there is a girl out there who would be OK with any boy that said, "I'm a vampire". Even if I had fallen in love with said boy, I would first think that a) he was mental , b) he is pulling my leg, or c) I was dreaming. Then after I finally accepted the fact that he was a vampire and not crazy, I would freak out a little. Here is a boy that could kill me and quite painfully for that fact. Even if I trusted the boy, I would be slightly nervous all the time, if I was Bella I would wear alot of turtle necks and scarves. I suppose it is the fact that Bella just excepts it so very easily.


Lexie said...

i havent gotten sucked into the twilight madness, but i def see your point!

B K Kenobi said...

ditto to lexie.

Sarah said...

hummm maybe she was just so depressed and hated her life so much she was just like hey cool whatever maybe i'll get killed out of it, but then she falls in love and like all high school love, she's completely unrealistic and is all oh he would never hurt me. in that sense it's real- teenagers are full of stupidity when it comes to love...