So I haven't really posted in about two weeks, but I've been busy. By busy, I mean juggling training and well life. I thought I had hit the right mixture of training with speed and distance but it isn't.
Yesterday, I had the first track meet of the season. I was off my goal time by about five seconds with a 2:35 for 800 meters. I raced the stupidest race I think I have ever raced in 800 meters. I was in lane seven and went out with a split of 32 seconds for my first 200 meters. I pretty much rabbited hard core the first lap and I felt good. I came thru the first 400 meters in 70. My legs basically just died on me.I finished in 2:35 so 85 seconds for the second lap. There was a 15 second gap. So in summary, I went out way too fast due to nerves. My Coach and I talked it out and we are going to change the training quite a bit in the next two weeks and cut down on the short speed for it is odvious I have that. So I guess it back to the drawing board.
On a somewhat related note, I really dislike parents that have to talk to you about the race for the rest of the meet. I am not your child and I know what I did wrong. I knew what I did wrong heading into the last 200m. I do not need you to tell me, again and again. It is lovely that you think I need your help but I have my coaching liscense, I write about track and have been running my event for quite awhile. Oh, and please do not compare me to your child. Your child is not as perfect as you think, and I know she was fast in high school. She isn't anymore due to her other habits. That is my rant for today.
So you can do a 5 minute mile? You are amazing Cara. You go girl. I think your post about those parents was adorable too. You should tell them - it will make you feel better to get stuff like that off your chest.
You really really should just tell those parents what you think / how you feel. Seriously. Put them in their place, please. I HATE people like that!
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