Date | Description | Route | Distance | Time | Pace |
Mon 6/28/2010 | 5.5 Mi | 39:30 | 7:10/Mi | ||
Tue 6/29/2010 | 6 Mi | 45:00 | 7:30/Mi | ||
| 5 Mi | 37:00 | 7:24/Mi | ||
Wed 6/30/2010 | 7 Mi | 53:00 | 7:34/Mi | ||
Thu 7/1/2010 | 6 Mi | 44:02 | 7:20/Mi | ||
Fri 7/2/2010 | 7 Mi | 53:05 | 7:35/Mi | ||
Sat 7/3/2010 | 6.2 Mi | 50:00 | 8:03/Mi | ||
Sun 7/4/2010 | 9 Mi | 1:10:00 | 7:46/Mi | ||
Totals: | 51.7 Mi | 6:31:37 | 7:34/M |
This week was what summer is meant to be; beautiful weather, grilling out and seeing old friends. The older I get, the less friends I have back in the Murfreesboro. I was beyond happy to see my best running partner. She had spent a semester in Australia and is now interning as an accountant in Charlotte, NC. The first activity we did was a six miler. Every minute of it was filled with stories and laughs. The pace might not have been the quickest but it was by far the best run of the week.
The worst run of the week is a tie between my long run and the run on Tuesday. The run on Tuesday is by far more humorous. I decided to go do a ladder work-out with the not-so-little sister. This really was not much of a work-out, basically you start out on a soccer field and you sprint one side, then two, then three, then the whole field. It was less than a mile. The first sprint and jogging lap went fine. It was the second lap where it got a bit crazy. So we are sprinting, I in flats and Tori in cleats. We both go into the corner neck and neck. I trying to draw upon my track training decide to take the corner like a track corner. I soon found out that wet soccer field and flats do not mix well. I ended up flat on the ground covered in mud. Tori meanwhile had stopped and had just started laughing. I decided not to let it bother me and just try to take the next sprint easier. Well, slowing down did not help. I fell in the same puddle. At this point, I had to give up. I took off my soaking shirt, tried to towel off, and ran home (little sister did not want me getting her car dirty). Needless to say, I was a bit embarrassed running down the side of the road covered in mud.
This next week will hopefully be a 53 mile week. I am traveling to Brevard to work a running camp and the mileage I rack up there is whatever they want to give me.