Thursday, April 29, 2010

The past few weeks

My time at RW is drawing to a close and I’ll be moving on (literally) in about a week. There will be many conclusions written but I’m ready for some new chapters.

First, a quick recap of the last two weeks, I raced the Emmaus 4 miler with a crazy strong field. I ran much faster than I expected PR’ing through the 5k (20:25) in the 4 miler.

The next week was off to Boston where I had my first marathon experience, though not running, and it was quite eye opening. Just to see a city completely taken over by runners was amazing (perfect civilization perhaps? Everyone I met had accomplished this amazing goal and I could not help but be impressed. I sat next to Boston runners on both planes and there is nothing quite like being a part of the fellowship of runners. I might actually have free housing if I ever feel like going out to Bend, Oregon.

I watched the race from the pressroom that had 4 large screens and an old-fashioned wipe board to keep splits. The sound of typing filled the room. There were plenty of mutters of “what is he doing”. I was lucky enough to film the press conferences (the Ryan Hall clip is some of my handy work).  By far it was a great experience. Needless to say, I have the bug. I want to go back to Boston but next time I want to be running it.

Wednesday after Boston, I ended up going to Philly for the Penn Relays with Flotrack. Spent three straight days talking on camera about the fast races. My Lady Vols swept the distance relays. It is so odd to think that I race against Phoebe Wright in high school. Virginia’s Robbie Andrews killed in the 4x800 meters.

I actually stood feet away from Bolt (yes, he is really that tall). The fans were so loud. You could not hear the announcer or the gun. He brought the meet to a standstill.

Which brings us to this week. It has been fairly calm considering it is finals week for me. I’m on a bit of a taper before my half (pikermi?) on Saturday. The rest of the web department (yes, we tend to run together) is just getting back into form after Boston.

I’m nervous/excited (nerexcited) about Saturday. I’m really interested in seeing what I can do. Training has been going exceeding well (thanks RW Challenge Plan). My goal was 7:30 pace but the last few weeks HMP has turned into 7:00 flat without much effort. Tempo runs have been going as quickly as 6:30. I did a 15-mile long run at 7:30 pace.

My main goal is not to go out too quickly (Negative Splits as Bart Yasso always suggests). Terrence Mahon (Kastor and Hall’s Coach) told the crowd at the NYC half to start out slower then expected pace-so I think start out at 7:30 and if feeling good start to drop. Goal time is ideally is 1:30, would be happy with a 1:40 and would love to break 1:29. Those all might be lofty goals.

Friday, April 16, 2010

So when do I grow up?

How do I know when I have become an adult?

I keep asking myself this question. Was it when I turned 18? Was it when I turned 21? Those are just numbers applied to me on how long I lived on this earth. What if we had a different calendar? I could be 456 goblyguck old. Is it when I graduate college and have that diploma in my hand? What if I had been born in a different era when 13 yrs old was the typical marrying age and you were considered an old maid by the time you were 20 yrs old?

Do I know it when my old friends stop coming home for the holidays and move to far off places, get married and have children of their own? If that is the case, then I do not want to be an adult. I still like seeing my old friends and swapping life stories.

Is being an adult mean going to work everyday and having responsibilities? Does it mean going back to an empty apartment and a sink full of dishes?  Is it when I travel on my own and people call me “Mam” or “Miss”?

Will I ever know when I am a grown-up?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So much has happened in the last month or so. Of course, I haven’t updated about any of it. Some bullet points would include:
•    Went to New York City! Helped cover the half marathon and had a blast.
•    Went home for Easter and saw the family and Faye Zheng
•    I’m going to the Boston Marathon to help do press conference video with Runner’s World
•    My name appears in the Masthead of the latest issue of Runner’s World
•    Have had about 3-4 nervous break downs about my honor’s project
•    PR’ed in a 4 miler but more importantly PR’ed through the 5k.

All of these are very interesting topics but of course I am going to choose me running faster then I ever have. Personal records are so nice to come by especially when you think you will break a certain time and especially when you had no idea that you were going to break it. Training has been going well but I feel no fitter than I did during XC season. Yet, I was able to blast through the 2-mile mark at 13:00. I did however freak at this point and slow down (note to self just keep pace). I was able still to come through the 3 mile mark in about 20:25-so 5k around 20:35ish or faster. I came back and finished it off with a 7:00 mile. It is just so absolutely astounding to me about how fast/fit I am right now. I never really expected it. I apparently have no idea what my real boundaries are as of late.

It is a great feeling to feel boundless.